About Svartisen

With its 370 square kilometers, it covers an area larger than Oslo and Bergen combined, making Svartisen the second largest glacier in Norway.
One of the easiest gateways to see the glacier is Austerdalsisen i Rana.
The name Svartisen comes from the old name "Svartis", which describes the characteristic deep blue color in the ice, contrasting with the white snow. The ice masses show a spectrum of blue tones, from transparent ice, to turquoise and dark blue.

How to get to Svartisen

To get to the starting point, drive off the E6 towards Røssvoll (Mo i Rana airport), and follow the signs into Svartisdalveien towards Svartisen.
There is a large parking lot here for motorhomes/camping trailers. It is also possible to find a tent pitch. In the kiosk you can buy boat tickets, something to drink, snacks and souvenirs. There is a toilet available at the car park.
After a 20-minute boat ride across the water, a 3 km hike follows. The hike goes on solid rock and starts with a steady climb before it flattens out towards a popular lookout point. Here there is a gap hut where you can eat food and drink you have brought with you while enjoying the view towards the glacier arm.
The weather at the glacier changes quickly, so even if it is sunny and warm in the city, we recommend that you bring some extra clothes.
Remember to take everything you bring back home with you.
There is no mobile coverage at the glacier.

Svartis 3

Boat times:
Season for 2024 is closed
Booking can be arranged if we are available and there is more than 8 people going.(Till mid september.) Contact directly to the boat driver at +4795482086
We don't have any online booking
Over and
Adult - 300kr
Children under 12 - 150kr
- 90kr
Baby (0-1 year) - Free
One way:
Adult -
Children under 12 - 100kr
Dog - 65kr
Baby (0-1year)– Free

Boat tickets can be bought in the Kiosk. There you can also buy suvenirs, hot/cold drinks and snacks. When the kiosk is not open you can buy the tickets in the boat.
Because of low staff the kiosk is not open so much this season. Sorry!

Parking and camping
2 km before you get to us, there is a toll station.
The toll fee is 150kr, it is parking for the day. If you have a two way boat ticket, the camping is free. For camping without boat ticket - 135kr.
You can either choose to pay on your phone on the internet/app or you can wait till you get the bill when you get home. From you pass, you have 48 hours to pay. We recommend that you pay on your phone, then you don't get a fee.

The season depends on the snow on the lake. Between June - August.